Hierarchy equations of motion approach
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Quantum master equation for Gaussian-Markovian noise
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Quantum Fokker-Planck equation for Gaussian-Markovian
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Quantum Fokker-Planck equation with low temperature correction terms
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Multistate quantum Fokker-Planck equation
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 | T. Ikeda and Y. Tanimura, Probing photoisomerization
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Calculations of correlation functions
Quantum Fokker-Planck equation with nonlinear
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Quantum master equation for general noise bath
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Review article
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Y. Tanimura,
Perspective: Numerically "Exact" Approach to Open Quantum Dynamics: The Hierarchical Equations of
Motion (HEOM), J. Chem. Phys. 153,
020901 (2020).
[Open Access] |  |